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Charitable gift annuity



Deferred Gift Annuities
(Gift illustration)

How it works

You transfer cash, securities or other property to NPCA.

Beginning on a specified date in the future, NPCA begins to pay you, or up to two annuitants you name, fixed annuity payments for life.

The principal passes to NPCA when the contract ends.


  • Deferral of payments permits a higher annuity rate and generates a larger charitable deduction.
  • You can target your annuity payments to begin when you need them, such as retirement or when a grandchild needs help with tuition payments.
  • The longer you defer payments, the higher the effective rate you will receive.
  • You have the satisfaction of making a significant gift now that benefits both you and NPCA later.

For more information

Email us, complete the personal illustration form, or call us toll free at 1.877.468.5775 so that we can assist you through every step of the process.